01 Jun In Action – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The JLRI Office
Where are you located?
The JLRI office is located at 24 Meeting Street, Floor 2, Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401.331.9302
Email: jlri@jlri.org
Types of Membership
What is a New Member?
All JLRI members are required to satisfactorily complete the year-long New Member Education Program.
What is an Active?
JLRI members become Active members after successfully completing the New Member Education Program, or by transferring into JLRI as a member in good standing from another Junior League. Active members have full voting privileges and are expected to meet all membership obligations as outlined in our Bylaws.
What is a Gold Active?
A Gold Active member must be an Active member of JLRI for four (4) years excluding their New Member year, including at least one (1) year in a leadership role. Their community service and fundraising commitments should be met, or exceeded each year, as well as, their financial contribution. Gold Active members have full voting privileges and are expected to meet all membership obligations as outlined in our Bylaws.
What is a Sustainer?
After 6 years of Active membership in the JLRI (not including the New Member year), a member can choose to become a Sustainer. Sustainers must pay membership dues, but have no committee requirements and no voting privileges.
Membership FAQ
What is the time commitment of membership?
General Membership Meetings (GMMs) are hosted on a monthly basis and begin with a social at 6:00 PM and the business portion of the meeting begins at 6:30 PM. These meetings are a fun opportunity to get together with your friends in the JLRI and usually include an interesting speaker, training opportunity, or team-building activity.
As an Active member you will be annually placed on a committee. We hope that you will be an active and contributing member to your committee. Meetings and events are scheduled by each committee director, and are flexible, based on the needs of the committee members. Committee schedules vary (i.e. some committees are busier at certain times of the year than others), but on average you can expect one to two committee meetings or events per month. Most committee meetings are scheduled in the evenings to accommodate work schedules.
What is the financial obligation?
Membership dues are $185 for New Members and $135 for Active members. They are due on March 1st for the following League year. New Member Dues include a one-time New Member Education Course Fee of $50.
Please note that payment plans are available and are worked out on an individual basis with the JLRI Treasurer.
Membership dues are necessary in order to cover our administrative and training development expenses.
What types of volunteer opportunities will I have as a member of the JLRI?
One of the greatest strengths of the JLRI is the wide array of volunteer opportunities that we offer to our members: from hands-on volunteer work to numbers crunching, and everything in between. As discussed before, each year as an Active member you will receive a committee placement on one of our many committees. Our current committees include: Communications, Community Outreach, Fund Development, Membership, and Nominating.
How do I find out more about these committees and how do I get on the committee of my choice?
As a member of the JLRI you will receive our placement handbook, which outlines each committee and its purpose, training/enrichment opportunities, and time commitment. Each spring we hold a placement meeting for the New Member Class, where representatives from each committee are available to answer your questions and tell you more about their committee. In addition, you will have a placement advisor, who will work with you to help ensure you are satisfied with your committee placement and your overall JLRI experience. Every year you will submit your top three choices for your committee placement. Every effort is made to meet these requests.
I would like to become a member of the JLRI, what do I do next?
Fill out our new member application and get in touch with our office. We cannot wait to welcome you to the Junior League of Rhode Island!
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